stephanie says





about me.




equal opportunity denier
7:49 a.m. - 2014-07-27

i feel like a shitty person most of the time.

also, minimalism is a fucking cop-out.

anyone who says they are a minimalist actually just doesn't want to do anything at all.

i feel dead.

a woman at school who has friended me has her doctorate in psychology.

let's just say she's always asking me about my childhood and relationships.

i passed out after my bath last night and woke up wearing nothing but a hoodie and using a towel as a blanket.

and on an unrelated note, i was called racist by a guy i denied a cigarette to.

i was at school and the only person there was this lady that does not stop talking. like she will narrate everything you do and give commentary of her own while at it.

so i go out to smoke and text a few classmates. well, while i'm trying to ask cynthia where she is, this man pops out of the bushes (there is a bus stop behind me) pushing a baby in a stroller.

he asks me for a cigarette and i'm typing while trying to say i only had two left and i needed them.

well he says what since he couldn't hear me, so i said i repeated myself. i really didn't think anything of it and he goes, "well, took you long enough. i get it, you're a white girl and afraid of a black man. racism is alive and well!"

i looked him dead in and the eye and all i could say was "really?" because i was so stunned.

anyway, i never give out my cigarettes because i'm selfish, not racist. plus if i gave them out to everyone who asked while i was at school i'd be left with none and maybe some change. not everyone offers to pay, like they basically rely on people to support their habit.

anyway, he walked off with his baby.

then literally the next day i was leaving the store in my town and i saw this lifted car with the floater hubcaps and this woman walking out next me turns and says "well, they obviously aren't from around here. if they aren't careful they are going to get pulled over"

all i said was "well, with that kind of attitude..." i really hope i made her feel ashamed but i didn't want to look back at her afterwards.

i don't know, life sure is funny sometimes.

stephanie | says