stephanie says





about me.




fight the oppression, eat a brain.
10:32 a.m. - 2008-11-06

Abe: why the fuck are you awake?

Stephanie: i don't sleep. hahaha.

Abe: oh. that's awful. i love sleep.

Stephanie: yeah.

Abe: soooooooooooooooo you're almost a zombieeeeeeeee.

Stephanie: yeah...i'm a zombie.

Abe: you don't seem too enthusiastic about being such a creature.

Stephanie: well, that would mean i eat brains. brain doesn't seem like it would taste very good.

Abe: i'm sure it would if it was cooked.

Stephanie: maybe. if you could add things to it.

Abe: whoa now. you're a zombie. not a chef.

Stephanie: hahaha, i didn't know zombies had limitations.

Abe: well i mean yeah.

Stephanie: well what makes you think that?

Abe: have you ever seen a zombie movie? i mean come on now.

Stephanie: well just because that's how people generally perceive a zombie, doesn't make it true.

Abe: honestly now. you're just talking shenanigans.

Stephanie: no, like back in the old days.

Abe: what about the old days?

Stephanie: men thought women were stupid and couldn't do anything really, so they were only shown doing "house" things. i believe it's the same way with zombies.

Abe: holy shit. from left fieldddd comes this analogy

Stephanie: someday we'll see a "we can do it" poster for zombies. hahaha.

Abe: i honestly forgot just how weird you are. like, i thought it was weird asking you if you went to school but you just blew me out of the water.

Stephanie: hahaha, sorry.

Abe: oh no. it's definitely an entertaining thing at 2 40 in the morning.

Stephanie: yeah, i guess. kind of an odd topic.

Abe: we're simply discussing your lifestyle. it's okay, i don't discriminate against zombies.

Stephanie: thanks! someday, we hope to get a zombie in office.

Abe: works for me.

Stephanie: why would you even go to bed at eight anyways.

Abe: i was fucking tired. so tired.

Stephanie:oh, well i guess that's a good reason. next time turn your ringer off.

Abe: i never do that though.

Stephanie: well you can only blame yourself for why you woke up

Abe: i'm starting to dislike zombies.

Stephanie: nooo, i was hoping you'd be there for the freedom walk.

stephanie | says