stephanie says





about me.




i don't know what to do with myself.
2:50 a.m. - 2011-12-20

What's the news? Oh well, since you're asking...

Apparently I have no real friends. I certainly don't have a best friend.

She decided to become a bitch and ditch me for Facebook and her new friends.

Who I had to listen to her bitch about.

What really set me off was when I told her I didn't think I could get joel anything for Christmas and I felt bad because he said he was getting me something. Her response "oh, it doesn't surprise me he's buying you something"

She's said stuff like that before, because for my birthday he bought me a sweater. Oh and he got me a pair of shoes.

Apparently her opinion is that he tries to buy my affection. Because "every time he fucks up" he buys me something.

I guess I missed when all that happened.

It really pisses me off because she's supposed to be my best friend.

I foresee this being a very messy breakup.

and it's not just joel. She just doesn't seem to care about "us" anymore. I know that sounds weird, but she is my girlfriend.

Yes we are those lame girls that are engaged on Facebook. It's been that way for years, even when i had a boyfriend, i refused to change it.

Oh and all of my other friends suck because we never hangout anymore. I don't do anything and it's depressing.

I enjoy being alone, but I know I can't be all the time.


Long distance relationships suck. I feel like i need a guide to help me.

stephanie | says