stephanie says





about me.




A tale as old as time
12:34 p.m. - 2016-08-03

I hope I meet some new friends soon. I'm getting lonely.

I'm also seriously questioning what I'm even doing here and hope maybe it's because I'm lonely and jobless.

There isn't much of an art community here. It's small and hard to find. Though there is a first Friday this week. I'm hoping joel will want to go with me, but I get a feeling he won't want to.

He literally never wants to do anything I want to do. At least so far it seems that way.

I kind of wonder if it worked because it was long distance and that we really shouldn't be together.

But again, I'm hoping I'm just getting these feelings because of my displacement and feeling of flailing around trying to be confident in my job search.

stephanie | says