stephanie says





about me.




lost cause
2:20 a.m. - 2011-04-21

So he told me for the ten billionth time that he was willing to "give it all up" for me.

So I asked him if he really wouldn't care if Tim hated him for it.

Apparently he doesn't because he just disregarded it.

Like maybe I just care about people too much, but I definitely think if my kids, even just one, ever hated me it would kill me inside.

How can someone care so little about anyone but themselves.

Like he doesn't even care that I keep saying no.

Seriously that is very bizarre to me.


I went to a strip club with Jeff. He really is the coolest dude ever.

So Jeff tells me I have to go to pervert row. I saw what they were doing so I thought why not.

Pretty much what happened was she purred or something on my vagina and kissed my boob. Afterwards she told me she wanted to go further but she wasn't sure how far I was willing to go.

I was laughing the entire time.

So a strip club really isn't my thing, but at least I can say I've been to one. It was definitely fun though. Mostly because of Jeff.

After like three hours of practically naked chicks dancing around and giving him lap dances, he bought me a burger and we fell asleep on my couch and he didn't try anything or even hint at it.

It's refreshing to actually know a good person. A good person who takes me to strip clubs and brings me pot cookies.

stephanie | says