stephanie says





about me.




this is not bad love.
5:08 a.m. - 2011-03-11

Seth is coming to visit tomorrow. I think I might ask him what is going on.

Like I really hope he's not being an asshole and just stringing me along.

I'm staying awake all night. I have stayed up way too late to go to sleep and expect to wake up on time.

tomorrow, or well today is going to be really busy for me. I have so much to get done.

like I need to go on an air freshener run. I smoke a lot, and he isn't exactly thrilled about it. At least he's not making me quit, so I might as well not make him smell it.

I was talking to Lisa the other night. She told me to give up on him. It really confused me because everything has been going well between us. I had just mentioned how I wanted more and I didn't know what he was thinking.

She pretty much took it the wrong way and compared it to a guy she called "her seth" which things ended up not working out with them.

I think my situation is entirely different. There isn't another girl involved and never was. He told me the reason we drifted apart the first time.

I hate how i constantly think about him.

Like the thought of seeing him gives me butterflies to the point where i could puke.

it's terrible.

stephanie | says