stephanie says





about me.




look out!
2:19 p.m. - 2009-02-20

i found this bead set in my room and a few rings i made. i bought the set when i was really little and wanted to make hippie jewelry.

i miss the days when i had completely ridiculous career aspirations.

so this guy at work told people that i've been with every guy there except him. this is the guy that has this little "i hate steph club" on myspace.

he's twenty-two and his actions just show how far in life he's going to go.

i'm not the typer of person to really care about what people say about me. like if they call me a bitch or something.

i don't care what he says about me, but it bothers me that it's not true and he's friends with a lot of people i know. i'm not really the biggest fan of a bad reputation.

and since when does talking to a guy about books mean i'm sleeping with him?

i'm really used to that kind of stuff though because i only hang out with dudes. like i have girl friends, but girls are so boring to hang out with sometimes. also my closest girl friends just had babies and the only one that didn't lives in muncie. retarded me wrecked my car.

and as if i could not become an even bigger dork... when i get a car, hopefully a cadillac, i'm going install a cb radio init and stick a 102" whip on the top.

hahaha, it's going to be awesome.

i got this organizer thing for all my art stuff. and i gave a bunch of these pictures to jesse and he loves them.

they aren't really anything amazing, but it's funny he really likes them.

his favorite was a sad clown walking a dog.

you know how sometimes people have a person that comes along and just changes their life. like you see it a lot in movies.

i'm not talking about lovers.

sometimes i feel like that person to him. like with the way he is and what i tell him and the stuff we do when we hang out. it's just funny.

i don't think i've encountered my person yet, but maybe it's him too.

he doesn't understand how we get along either. he's definitely a country boy and i'm a city girl. we agree on almost nothing, except for food.

but i think that's why we get on well. like you can't have everything or even a lot in common. it's too boring.

i made a joke that we were probably best friends in our past lives.

i guess i could consider him one now.

oh and everyone thinks we are dating. just because we are opposite sexes. oh well.

this weekend is looking pretty rad so far.

i have to work in the morning, that's when my boss is going to talk to that guy. i get to watch and laugh.

we are hoping he just quits. she cut his hours down to like two ore something.

then that night i am going to the bars for a friends birthday. should be funnn.

then sunday i get to sleep in and when jesse gets off work we are going to fry's electronics.

i love that place.

when tyler and i were together he'd take me there. he actually considered it a date. because we went out to eat before.

though his friends went with us a few times.

but anyways, i'm getting pisses that my tax check hasn't come. i really want a car.

and that cb.

i need to think of a way cool handle.

stephanie | says