stephanie says





about me.




ba da ba dum ba da dum ba da dum dum dum dum dum
1:59 p.m. - 2019-06-01

The stress of moving is setting in again. This will be the fourth one in three years. With another one expected after that.

I just want to settle. Have a place of our own so we can finally breathe.

I've got like maybe 40% of the stuff packed but that's mostly clothes and some of my stuff that just never left boxes.

But then we have to clean the place like fridge, carpets, bathrooms. Ugh...

I can't wait to be out of this city though. This place can just drain you and there's nothing to do anyway. Like unless you want to get shot or shoot up...

I'll just need a new job. So I imagine my savings will drop a bit...

stephanie | says