stephanie says





about me.




i know i'm trying to wake up.
11:57 a.m. - 2012-03-10

One thing that sort of irritates me is how I feel older but I look younger than I am.

Seriously, people think i am eighteen.

most of my friends are in their twenties, but I'm usually the oldest person in the room.

Sometimes I forget how old I am. I know when I'm forty I'm going to be happy I look young... But, it sucks right now.

Especially since I've had to move back in with my dad. Then my car broke down and now my dad takes me places like work.

I really do feel like I'm in high school again.

I filed for financial aid last night. So, hopefully i get that figured out.

Also, i think it's a sign you smoke too much when you start smoking wile eating. I should probably not do that again.

stephanie | says