stephanie says





about me.




i don't to be myself.
6:56 p.m. - 2012-02-27

So my mom and little brother should be here tomorrow.

I guess they were afraid to tell Robbie, because a few days before was when my step dad died last year. My sister said he was really upset and grandma was the one who talked him down.

I haven't really talked to anyone other than Nyssa. She's the one i always go to first in my family.

I feel very disconnected from my family most of the time. Probably because i barely talk to them, but i also don't really try.

the last time i talked to/saw my grandma was on Christmas. I had no news, at least nothing good. I didn't really tell my grandma bad news.

I wish i could have done something more with myself before she died.

I feel alone.

stephanie | says